Tag Archives: easy

Quick and Easy Chilled Pasta Salad with Bacon – Recipe


Pasta Salad Recipe


Ok, so I needed a recipe for cold pasta salad that wasn’t too …fussy. I did search google for recipes, cause I wasn’t too confident with flavours at the time. But came up with nothing that really appealed and fit what I needed; which was to satisfy many different taste buds for a BBQ. So here’s what I threw together. Simple flavours, but big on taste! Leave a comment if you try this. I’d love to know what you think.

Serves 8-10 buffet portions

400g Dry weight Cavatappi (spirals)
8 Heaped Tablespoons of Light Mayonnaise (using regular dinner spoon not measuring type) Approx 600g
340g Drained Salad Crisp Green Giant™ Sweet corn (large can)
5 Large Spring Onions
12 Rashers of Streaky (or any that you prefer) Bacon
Salt and Pepper to taste
Large pinch of Paprika

Cook pasta and bacon in your usual, preferred way. Pasta should not be overcooked. Drain pasta and let sit to cool in the drainer, washing with cool water to help speed up the process. Let bacon cool on a plate.

Roughly chop the onion and place in a large mixing bowl along with the sweetcorn. Add cold pasta and mayo and lightly mix together, being careful not to break up the pasta shapes. Sprinkle on most of paprika.

Using scissors or a knife if you prefer, cut the bacon into slithers over the pasta mix. Stir to incorporate the bacon, add more mayo with you feel you need it. Place pasta salad into a container with a lid and finish off with a sprinkling of paprika all over. Cover and store in a fridge.

Best eaten 3+ hours after making, to give the mayonnaise a chance to absorb the flavours otherwise it can taste really eggy.

You could substitute the bacon for ham or chicken. Spring onion can be subbed with chives too. When including any meat, please make sure it has cooled thoroughly before you mix into your pasta mix.

Super Easy – Cheese and Potato Bake!


Yummy Potato Bake

Cheesy Potato Bake!

4 Large potatoes
1 Medium Cooking Onion
200g Cheese
3-4 Medium Tomatoes
1 Large Tin Corned Beef

Peel and chop potatoes and onion and place in a pan and boil until cooked.

While the potatoes cook you can grate the cheese, slice tomatoes and dice the corned beef.

Once potatoes are ready turn on your oven to 190°C. Drain potatoes and mash-up. Add in ¾ of the cheese and the diced corned beef. Stir until well combined.

Place in an oven proof dish. Glass or ceramic will work best. Place sliced tomatoes on, covering entire top. Sprinkle on leftover cheese.

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