Tag Archives: jusroll

Large Yummy Bacon Wrap (just like greggs)


Bacon Wraps

500g jus • roll® Puff Pastry Block
100g Grated Cheese of your choice
4-8 Rashers of Back Bacon

Remove pastry form the refrigerator and leave to sit for 20 mins.

Jus-Roll Puff Pastry 500g

Preheat oven at 220°C (200°C fan ovens). Unwrap block and cut in half so you have two rectangles. Put one block aside and roll out the dough so that when cut down the middle you will get two squares. Doesn’t matter if it’s not exact. You can use a dusting of plain flour to aid rolling.

Rolling Technique - Don't worry if it's not perfect!

Repeat with other block and you will end up with four large squares.

Four pastry squares

Place squares on baking trays and place 1-2 rashers on bacon on each square. Add 25g of grated cheese to each wrap.

Prepare on baking trays

Fold each corner (as pictured below) in to the centre. Coat any exposed pastry with milk or egg. If you have allergies this is not essential

Almost ready!

Bake in oven for 25-30 mins or until pastry is fully cooked and holds it’s shape when lifted from the tray. If you like your bacon extra crispy, you can cook your bacon before you place into the wraps. These make huge wraps ideal for lunch or as part of a main meal. For smaller wraps keep rolling and cut smaller squares. Use less ingredients in each wrap so that it doesn’t over fill.

  • Makes 4 Large Wraps

These are huge versions of the greggs ones. My hubby says ‘they are better than greggs’.  This is a really cheap easy meal. I server mine with baked beans and salad as I find them very filling.


You can freeze these aswell, just loosely wrap up in foil and place inside resealable freezer bags. They take 15-20 mins to reheat from frozen at 200°C. They are just like from fresh!

Please leave comments if you decided to try this out. It really takes no time at all.

Notes: You can use 50% fat cheese you wish. Try a different cut of bacon, but will work best with less fatty cuts, as this will prevent the pastry from going soggy. I use foil to line the trays as it’s easier to remove them afterwards. Of course, you can use any brand of puff pastry too.